Monday, April 26, 2010

14 months

Celebrating the big 14 month birthday at home!
just love those monkey toes...
pre-surgery - looks so sad, doesn't she? what a trooper!post-op, notice her purple "x" tattoo above her left eye, Dr. Troia wanted to be sure they corrected the correct eye!
Afternoon of her surgery, we were back home at 9 and Harper was ready to get back into action.. her new "koosh" ball - spur of the moment walgreens purchase...
deep in thought....
oh, how much Harper loves her blocks
Saturday morning fun!
such a morning girl!
Harper & Dad had a day together on Saturday (I had to work). They even went down to the zoo for the first time this season together, lucky! I must say that Harper has really "exploded" in the personality department this past month. Enjoying everyone she meets, greeting them hello & giving big good-bye waves! She babbles almost non-stop, seemingly running a commentary on our very exciting lives! She is so much fun, we are so lucky to know + love this sweet child. Happy 14 month birthday Harper Grace :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Jackie & Jill's Shower

The lovely Brides-to-BeThe double shower was a big success! Thanks to everyone that attended. Of course, it's always fun to have Jackie & Jill in town for any reason, but extra special to be able to celebrate both of their upcoming weddings!
Later that evening we continued "celebrating" at Molly's..
And, once again I totally forgot to take pictures of Harper in all of her shower darling-ness, so I made up for it, by capturing some Sunday silliness. I recorded her on our ipod in a total laugh riot & then dancing - I have got to figure out that technology soon, then I will post! Happy Monday :)

Friday, April 16, 2010

Dinner with Friends

I am so lucky to have an amazing group of friends. Every once in a while we get to meet out for a night of yummy food, conversation & giggles. This past Wednesday night we went to Marks Bistro in Dundee, yea for great girlfriends!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Loving this weather!

Saturday morning fun...what would we do without those slinky's?Had a blast on Sunday afternoon, Meme came over & we chatted on the front porch, snacked, blew bubbles & had a great time enjoying the 70 degree day...
Then we headed down to the baseball fields to cheer on Elliott & his team...
Lovely Miss Eva...
Taking in the game while sitting with our favorite Auntie Sara
Elliott at bat...
Harper always has fun spending time with her Uncle Lance, she's always smiling around him :)
And we've discovered that as long as she's in his lap at church, she's quiet as a mouse...
We always have so much fun hanging out with family & friends, enjoying these beautiful spring days...Harper absolutely loves being fussed over and she was not disappointed this past weekend. Mike was hard at work all weekend creating our garden, hopefully it's a success providing delicious fruits & veggies throughout the summer. So much to look forward to & to be thankful for...yea Spring!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter Weekend

Yea, new spring capris :)
standing with dad

so, we decided to give Harper her first taste of Easter candy Friday night, she absolutely loved her first Peep - like mother, like daughter....yum!
she managed to fit the entire peep in her mouth! delish
Easter morning nap, usually a Sunday morning ritual - on the living room couch; just depends on which one of us gets to hold her (and nap at the same time, of course!)
we let daddy continue to sleep as Harper taste-tested various parts of our Easter dessert for the Kawa family celebration later that day
Easter was a wonderful day! After preparing dessert, we scrambled to get ready for church (insert: Harper pooping in the tub - yuck! & me changing dresses only after getting in the car & Mike noticing a stain on the one I was wearing!!!) We somehow made it on time to meet the Brown family for our annual tradition of Easter service at Christ Community. Harper was so well behaved, she absolutely loved the worship time - screaming & waving her hands with everyone else! We then headed to Grandma & Grandpa Kawas for Easter Brunch, which was lovely. Had such a nice time, I failed to take any pictures, gotta work on that one. Didn't get a single one of Harper in her dress (bad mama!). Made it home for a long afternoon nap - had by all 3 of us...lovely. Then we headed over to the Brown's for more fun, celebrating Elliott's 8th Birthday. A great day. We are blessed indeed....