We had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break! Lots of family & friends in town, lots to do!
Holden has really taken to his Super Saucer!

And, he continues to place EVERYTHING he can fit into his mouth ; )

Since Harper got glasses 6 weeks ago, her letter recognition (even with them off!) has just exploded! One of our favorite nighttime activities is to take a bath & sign and say each of her foam letters, we are so proud. I think "I" and "D" are her favorites right now.

We have been hard at work on an alphabet letter book for Harper, here is a sneak-peek, "A" is for "apple".

Turkey Day! Mama & Harper ready to head out to the Kawa's.

Daddy & Holden getting ready to go too!

Holden got to meet his great, great grandmother on Thursday, too much fun!

Harper always has fun playing with the singing puppy at Grandpa & Grandma Kawas!

Grandpa Tom & Holden

Holden and Liza at the Gorders, our 2nd and final turkey stop on Thursday

Always like to take a picture of two of the beautiful table settings on the holidays...had fun helping Meme with this one :)

Gobble, gobble - indeed!

Daddy & Harper

Grandpa & Harper Grace in a turkey induced sleep...

I finally got to go to Harper's dance class! So much fun. Sara is such a great teacher & Harper is quite a good listener, what a relief! She really has a lot of fun learning new dance moves!

While Daddy golfed and Holden napped on Friday morning,Harper and I decorated the Christmas tree together. What fun! I showed Harper how she could just rest some of the larger ornaments on the branches (so she didn't have to bother with the hooks). She then proceeded to place all kinds of fun things in our tree: tissue paper, boxes and even our stockings!!!

Harper & Eva ended the holiday weekend on a refreshing note, Popsicles in November!
Hope your Thanksgiving was full of fun, love and thanks - as ours was. Jaeme
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